Does a contemporary gentleman wear a signet ring?

In what situations it is allowed to wear a signet? Has it ceased to be considered an important symbol? What signet ring should be chosen as a gift for an elegant man who appreciates timeless trends?

Signet ring - in what situations it is worth wearing?

A signet ring is a ring with a coat of arms or a monogram carved on the stone. It is a symbol of family affiliation, status and rank. According to social customs in the past, an ideal signet ring should be gold, carved in carnelian (also known as yarrow) and worn only by the rightful heirs of the coat of arms.

Currently, signet rings are considered a kind of men's jewelry and worn as elegant accessories for formal stylizations. However, does a contemporary gentleman wear a signet ring? Some specialists claim that an authentic family signet ring can only be worn by representatives of this family. In their opinion, wearing signets is also allowed when they constitute an important element of the family tradition and are passed down from generation to generation.

In what situations, then, the wearing of a signet may expose a gentleman to negative reactions? In order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is necessary to precisely define the purpose of wearing the signet. An elegant man will not intend to wear a signet ring just to impress someone or to build a specific image of himself. His decision will be in line with his values ​​and feelings.

Overview of classic gold signet rings

Before we present gold signet rings, which are worth paying attention to, we remind you of the articles published on our blog. If you want to broaden your knowledge of signet rings and men's jewelry, the following entries will surely interest you:

Here are examples of classic gold signet rings that impress with their exclusive design and perfect workmanship:

 onyx signet ring 14k gold mans ringsgold signet ring


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